Month September 2016

How To Maintain Gutters & Downspouts

Have you ever thought about what your home would look like if you didn’t have gutters or downspouts? We don’t just mean the physicality of having them attached to your roof, we’re talking about the possibility of flooding and water… Continue Reading →

3 Signs It’s Time For A New Roof

How old is the roof over your head? Age plays a major factor in determining whether or not it’s time to replace the shelter atop your home. But there’s lots more to consider that most homeowners often overlook. If you… Continue Reading →

Are Solar Panels Safe For Your Roof?

Looking for alternative ways to generate energy for your home? Solar panels are becoming more and more popular throughout the United States as we make a push toward becoming a greener planet. But when it comes to installing them on… Continue Reading →

The Best Way To Clean Your Gutters

It’s that time of year again – where temperatures begin to cool down and the leaves start changing colors. It’s quite beautiful if you ask us. But that means the leaves will begin falling and our gutters will require some… Continue Reading →

A Brief History of Roofing

Ever wonder how the way in which we top off our structures has evolved over the years? Ever since man roamed the Earth, there has been a need for shelter and protection. It all started way back when the first… Continue Reading →

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