At North East Home Improvement, we are proud to announce that we have finally gone LIVE on social media! As a 3rd generation home improvement company proudly serving Fairfield county and the surrounding areas we have broadened our horizons and want to connect with you via social networks. Find out what we’re doing below:


Stay up-to-date with all of our home improvement services including roofing, siding, gutter and chimney tips and tricks! We’ll sharing industry news with you on a day-to-day basis accompanied by photos of our work and we may even throw in some extra special perks every now and then.


Like to communicate in 140 characters or less? So do we! Here, you’ll find information about our company, our services and how we can help take your home or business to the next level. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have – just remember to keep it short and sweet.


Be sure to connect with us on Google+ for our latest blog updates. We’ll go in-depth providing you with home improvement tips and you might even gain enough confidence to try a few projects out on your own. Check back frequently so you never miss out on valuable information!

Our Goal is to treat every customer like they’re family. As cheesy as it sounds it’s something our team at North East truly believe. We keep our customers needs in mind by laying out all possible options. If a roof is near the end of its’ lifespan, we will tell you if it’s possible to get a few more good years out of it with some repair work instead of replacing the whole thing. Be sure to connect with North East Home Improvement on social media today!